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Creation Date

The Computer Science Club has been in existence since 1931. The club was not officially part of the University of Waterloo, rather was a general interest club formed by a collection of interested individuals who read Kleene, Church, and Turing's work that formed the basis of Computer Science. The club joined the University of Waterloo shortly after the founding of the University in 1957. Much of the history prior to the creation of the University is unclear, as documents dating back this far have only recently been recovered.

The CSC Fire

It is believed that many of the documents describing the original club were destroyed when the original office destroyed by a fire at the then Waterloo University (now Wilfred Laurier University).

The PMC intervention

At some point between 2000-2010, CSC had devloved into a bunch of very stinky nerds just playing nethack all day on the computers. The Pure Math Club (who was 2 doors down) had become appaled with the state of the club, and thus; decided to try and fix the situation. This was by Rallying together at the CSC election, electing one of their own as president, and changing the office rules to include 'No Gaming' in the office.

And thus, the people playing only NetHack 24/7 had finally left.

This rule was kept all the way till mid-way through till Winter 2022.

CSC on Probation

Due to a lack of information about this event, we may be missing information about this event.

According to Winter 2022 mathsoc meeting-minutes CSC was breaking a lot of policies, and doing sketchy things like;

  1. Virtual gambling prizes was a red flag that could interfer with WUSA's non-profit status. They were going to get more clarification on this, but then idk.
  2. CSC had a paypal account, which was NOT allowed under mathsoc policy. We used a screenshot of a successful Paypal transfer as proof of payment. We refused to consider using shop.wusa.ca, because we were scared of photoshopping
  3. Thus the VPA motioned to (quoting from the meeting minutes);
    1. Whereas CSC has been using an unauthorized PayPal account; then Be it resolved that MathSoc Council directs CSC to transfer all money in their PayPal account to MathSoc; and Be it further resolved that MathSoc Council directs CSC to give the Paypal account login details to the VPF; and Be it further resolved that if CSC does not comply by 11:59 PM on February 28th, 2022, then they shall be placed under probation as outlined in MathSoc Policy 6 "Clubs Policy".
  4. Then it was revealed that CSC has a lot of other infractions like at least 3 notices this term by the VPI, the only thing mentioned in the notes was; not following the mathsoc policies (not showing the logo)

Putting CSC on probation was reasonable here

Then on June 10th CSC was taken off of probation

But MathSoc is uh... notorious for lack of continunity... So they forgot we were taken off of probation.

October 10th our probation was extended to the end of W22.

For reasons that shall never be known

After consulting some alumni, and members of CSC who were around this entire fiasco. Allegedly CSC had an agreement with MathSoc that allowed us to use Paypal instead of WUSA. If you ever become treasurer, you'll know why this is favourable.

But during a MathSoc transition, it was forgotten about.