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Music is run off powernap, since that's the computer with the speakers attached.

Office staff/termcom/syscom permissions are required to play music in the office.

We also have MPD available, however this method is rarely used after 2022. kids these days

How to play music

  1. Run ssh [watid]
  2. Run bluetoothctl
  3. Type pairable on and discoverable on into the console to enable pairing and discovery
  4. Connect to powernap from your device
  5. Respond yes to all the prompts on the terminal from powernap
  6. Type trust [device_mac] to automatically allow audio from your device next time
  7. You should be able to play audio like a normal audio device now

MPD Controls

To view the keybindings of ncmpcpp, press F1 while it's running. The number keys switch between tabs in it.

  • 1 is current playlist
  • 2 is browsing files
  • 3 is search
  • 4 is browsing the media library
  • 5 is browsing saved playlists, etc.

You can add your own absolutely legitimately obtained music by copying them to /music on powernap. Then type u in ncmpcpp to refresh the database.

Termcom Info