We are using Apache CloudStack to provide VMs-as-a-service to members. Our user documentation is here:
Building packages
While CloudStack does provide .deb packages for Ubuntu, unfortunately these don't work on Debian (the 'qemu-kvm' dependency is a virtual package on Debian, but not on Ubuntu). So we're going to build our own packages instead.
We're going to perform the build in a Podman container to avoid polluting the host machine with unnecessary packages. There's a container called cloudstack-build on biloba which you can re-use. If you create a new container, make sure to use the same Podman image as the release for which you're building (e.g. 'debian:bullseye').
The instructions below are adapted from
Inside the container, install the dependencies:
apt install maven openjdk-11-jdk libws-commons-util-java libcommons-codec-java libcommons-httpclient-java liblog4j1.2-java genisoimage devscripts debhelper python3-setuptools
Install Node.js 12 as well (Debian bullseye's version happens to be 12):
apt install nodejs npm
Build the node-sass module (see this issue to see why this is necessary):
cd ui && npm install && npm rebuild node-sass && cd ..
The python3-mysql.connector package is not available in bullseye, so we're going to download and install it from the sid release:
curl -LOJ apt install ./python3-mysql.connector_8.0.15-2_all.deb
Download the CloudStack source code:
curl -LOJ tar -jxvf apache-cloudstack- cd apache-cloudstack-
Download the Maven dependencies:
mvn -P deps
Now open debian/control and perform the following changes:
- Replace 'qemu-kvm (>=2.5)' with 'qemu-system-x86 (>= 1:5.2)' in the dependencies of cloudstack-agent
- Remove dh-systemd as a build dependency of cloudstack (it's included in debhelper)
Now open debian/rules and add the following flags to the mvn
-Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dclean.skip=true -Dcheckstyle.skip
Now open debian/changelog and change 'unstable' to 'bullseye'.
As of this writing, there is a bug in libvirt which prevents VMs with more than 4GB of RAM from being created on hosts with cgroups2. Until that issue is fixed, we're going to need to modify the source code. Since we're already building a custom CloudStack package, it's easier to patch CloudStack than to patch libvirt, so paste something like the following into debian/patches/fix-cgroups2-cpu-weight.patch:
Description: Workaround for libvirt trying to write a value to the cgroups v2 cpu.weight controller which is greater than the maximum (10000). The libvirt developers are currently discussing a solution. Forwarded: not-needed Origin: upstream, Author: Max Erenberg <> Last-Update: 2021-12-03 Index: apache-cloudstack- =================================================================== --- apache-cloudstack- +++ apache-cloudstack- @@ -1483,6 +1483,10 @@ public class LibvirtVMDef { static final int MAX_PERIOD = 1000000; public void setShares(int shares) { + // Clamp the value to the cgroups v2 cpu.weight maximum until + // upstream libvirt gets fixed: + // + shares = Math.min(shares, 10000); _shares = shares; }
I think you have to manually modify that file to incorporate those changes (I could be wrong on this, but that's how I did it).
Then paste the following into debian/patches/00list:
Finally, import your GPG key into the container (make sure to delete it afterwards!), and build the packages:
debuild -k<YOUR_GPG_KEY_ID>
There should already be a .dupload.conf in the /root directory in the cloudstack-build container; if you need need another copy, ask a syscom member. Open /root/.ssh/config and change the User parameter to your username. Finally, go to /root and upload the packages to potassium-benzoate (replace the version number):
dupload cloudstack_4.16.0.0+1_amd64.changes