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Revision as of 22:07, 9 September 2024 by G3lin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The elections for the Fall 2024 term occurred on Monday, September 9th, 2024 in DC 1302. All the times are in Eastern Daylight Savings Time (UTC -4). [18:48] - Entered DC 1302, started the Stage Channel and welcomed members into the room [18:55] - Opened snacks, announced membership for members for both online members and in-person members [19:00] - Welcomed members, told members to check membership using, told members to sign up for membership and th...")
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The elections for the Fall 2024 term occurred on Monday, September 9th, 2024 in DC 1302. All the times are in Eastern Daylight Savings Time (UTC -4).

[18:48] - Entered DC 1302, started the Stage Channel and welcomed members into the room

[18:55] - Opened snacks, announced membership for members for both online members and in-person members

[19:00] - Welcomed members, told members to check membership using, told members to sign up for membership and that we’ll get started at 19:10

[19:10] - Began asking members to return to their seats, membership sign ups to continue.

[19:11] - Introduced the club to new members, introduced the three pillars, talked about separate events

[19:16] - Announced the roles and responsibilities of President

[19:18] - Announced the nomination of Iris Liao for the role of President, asked if she wished to speak, she accepted

[19:19] - Iris presented platform and answered questions from members present and online

[19:23] - Announced the nomination of Ray Cao for the role of President, asked if they wished to speak, they accepted

[19:23] - Ray presented their platform, answered questions from members present and online

[19:28] - Displayed QR code for voting of the president with link, explained voting method used for this term

[19:30] - Announced voting will close at 19:35

[19:35] - Voting closed automatically on Microsoft Forms

[19:36] - Downloaded Excel sheet containing data, attempted to run script that parsed data using instant runoff voting but failed

[19:37] - Attempted to debug code, failed. Interpreted data displayed on Microsoft Forms showing an overwhelming “Rank 1” vote for “Iris Liao” at 71% for live votes, and 50% “Rank 1” in absentee. With 33 votes online and 6 absentee, this is interpreted as an election of “Iris Liao”. Quorum is met for this vote with at least 33 votes.

[19:38] - Announced the election of “Iris Liao”, proceeded with announcing the roles and responsibilities of Vice-President

[19:40] - Presented the nominees of the Vice-President role, skipped Iris Liao due to her being eliminated as she was elected as President

[19:41] - Proceeded to Ray Cao as nominee for Vice-President, asked if they wished to speak, they declined but were willing to accept questions from the members

[19:43] - CRO realizes that the microphone was muted, returns to the slides going over the Vice-President role and responsibilities and that Iris Liao was elected as President

[19:45] - CRO passes microphone to Ray Cao as they answer questions from the members. CRO attempts to fix their code

[19:48] - Ray Cao concludes their question period. CRO was unable to fix their issue, proceeds with presenting Siimar Leen Kaur as a nominee for the Vice-President position. Asked if she wished to speak, she accepted.

[19:50] - Siimar presented her platform, answered questions from members present and online. CRO continues to fix their code and was able to determine an issue with the Excel spreadsheet exported by Microsoft Forms.

[19:54] - Siimar concludes their platform. CRO presents the data from the President vote. Iris Liao received 23 votes out of 37. Minimum quorum met.

[19:56] - Displayed QR code for voting of the Vice-President with link, announced voting ends at 20:05

[20:00] - CRO begins laughing over Oreos that are opened in a weird fashion. President Elect Iris Liao also presents the Oreos to the camera for those joining online.

[20:05] - Vice-President vote ends. CRO presents data and announces the election of Siimar Leen Kaur with 28 votes out of 32 ballots. Minimum quorum met.

[20:06] - CRO presents the roles and responsibilities of the Assistant Vice-President

[20:08] - CRO refers to the CSC constitution as Siimar has been eliminated, and there are no nominees eligible to run for the position of Assistant Vice-President. The floor opens to members to nominate themselves as Assistant Vice-President. CRO gives until 20:15 for members to self-nominate themselves.

[20:15] - CRO receives nominations from Dundee Zhang (dh2zhang), Ray Cao (r44cao), Yuan Yuan (y335yuan), Yi Heng Wang (yh38wang)

[20:16] - CRO asked Dundee Zhang to present their platform, they accepted and answered questions from members

[20:20] - Dundee concluded their speech, CRO asked Ray Cao to present their platform, they accepted and answered questions from members

[20:24] - Ray concluded their speech, CRO asked Yuan Yuan to present to their platform, they accepted and answered questions from members

[20:29] - Yuan concluded their speech, CRO asked Yi Heng Wang to present their platform, they accepted and answered questions from members

[20:33] - Yi Heng concluded their speech

[20:34] - CRO displays the QR code for voting the Assistant Vice-President with link, announced voting ends at 20:40

[20:37] - Proposal by member to become a dictatorship, disband the constitution, implement torture, leave MathSoc, and join SciSoc

[20:38] - Representative from MathSoc strongly condemns this proposal, with the CRO also strongly condemning this proposal

[20:40] - President Elect also strongly condemns this proposal. Voting ends

[20:41] - CRO aggregates data from Microsoft Forms onto Jupyter Notebook to run Instant Runoff Vote

[20:42] - CRO presents data to members, announces the election of Ray Cao to the position of Assistant Vice-President with 23 votes out of 30 ballots. Minimum quorum met

[20:44] - Proposal by member to have election by dual, CRO rejects this proposal

[20:45] - Announced the roles and responsibilities of Treasurer, and the nomination of Grace Feng

[20:46] - Requested for Grace Feng to speak, she accepted, spoke platform virtually and answered question online

[20:51] - Displayed QR code for voting of the Treasurer with link, explained voting in the event that there’s only one candidate. Announced voting ends at 20:55

[20:55] - Voting ends. Grace Feng is announced as Treasurer with 25 out of 26 ballots. Minimum quorum is met

[20:56] - CRO displays Treasurer election results. Assistant Vice-President Elect Ray Cao questions how there is a spoiled ballot, and President Elect Iris Liao seconds this concern. CRO states they will look into it.

[20:57] - Systems Administrator selection and ratification process is explained to the members, recommendation by the Systems Committee is relayed to the Executives. Systems Committee recommend Nathan Chung (n4chung) to be Systems Administrator

[20:58] - President Elect, Vice-President Elect, Assistant Vice-President Elect select Nathan Chung as Systems Administrator. CRO attempts to get the attention of the Treasurer Elect. Treasurer Elect wasn’t paying attention and responds a few moments later saying she selects Nathan Chung as Systems Administrator

[20:59] - The CRO displays the QR code to ratify the Systems Administrator. Announced voting ends at 21:05

[21:06] - Failed to reach quorum at 24 members votes

[21:07] - Reached quorum at 26 members votes. CRO officially ends the election and announces the election of all the positions

[21:08] - Iris aske CRO if Assistant Treasurer can be created, CRO and former VP replies “That’s your problem”

[21:11] - President has been peer pressured to make a victory speech. She accepts and makes a speech to all the members

[21:15] - Election adjourned

[22:30] - CRO reviews the individual ballots for all the positions. As a candidate withdrew from the role of Treasurer, an edge case was not covered where there was a number skipped. This was rectified, where the total count has been converted from 25/26 votes for Grace Feng to 26/26 votes for Grace Feng