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Proposed Budget

Spring 2012
* MathSoc Members 156
* Non-MathSoc Members 119
* Mathsoc Funding Cap ($2 + $7.50) * 156 = 1482
Social Events
* CSC Goes Outside. Est. Turnout: 25-30. Frisbee, campfire, food. $60 Food. $40 other supplies.
* Movie night. $40 (Popcorn & Soda)
Social Total 140
Academic Events
* 3 Code Parties 180
* CSC Contest. food+prizes 150
* 3 Member Talks 3 * 30 = 90.
* 2 Prof talks. 2 * 50 = 100.
* RIM events. $150
Academic Total $680
Office Supplies
* CDs 20
* Whiteboard Markers $35
* Handvac for keyboards $70
Office Supplies Total 125
* Tool shelf/box type thing for tools 100
* Tackle box for electronics components 30
* corn-syrup replacement drives (2 x 1TB drives) 2x$150 = $300 (+$11 shipping)
* Hardware for HFCS: RAM, CPU, Disk 0
* 2x Computer mice. $100
Technology Total 530
* Bank Fees 17
Other Total 17
Total 1482
MathSoc Funding Cap 1482

Items carried over from last two terms:

  • bank fees that weren't claimed. VPF, can you find amount please?
  • CSC member talks from Winter term. I don't have the latest budget from CSC, so need to find the amount for this. I'll have it by the budget meeting, or VPF, can you get from your records? Ifaz kept a spreadsheet, I think.