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Elections happening in MC 4064

6:05 Shahan (snedadah - CRO) tells everyone to become a member if they’re not already

6:09 Huck gets the attention of the room to start the voting process

6:10 Shahan gives an introduction to CSC

6:15 Shahan tells everyone he wasn’t bluffing and everyone’s IDs are actually checked

6:17 President election begins; Sat is the only candidate; crowd starts chanting “Sat, Sat, Sat”

6:18 Sat finishes his speech

6:26 Sarah gives her VP speech

6:29 Ivy gives her VP speech

6:35 Jason’s video is played

6:38 Voting begins, Quorum is 52

6:41 Votes are counted: Sat gets 42 present + 7 absentee, Ivy wins with 40 votes

6:44 Laura gives her speech for Treasurer

6:47 Laura wins Treasurer with 36 votes

6:48 Adele gives her AVP speech

6:52 Shahan asks Andrew what 26 + 5 is

6:52 Adele wins with 31 votes

6:54 Leo gives his Sysadmin speech

6:57 Ratification for sysadmin happens: Leo is appointed with 36 votes

6:58 Voting for constitution changes opens

7:05 Voting for constitutional changes close