Orgcom Updates/President 2025 Winter

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Many people call the President Siracha, his name is actually Sourojeet

Notable things done this term

  • 40k from SLEF for servers, deadline is late December
  • In continued talks with mathSoc to sort out to figure out what to do with the servers long term in terms of maintenance, and usage
  • Figuring out what will happen to our servers when M4 comes along
    • So far our servers will be moved
    • we will get rack space
    • and we should be using the room's UPS
    • No idea how the UPS stuff will work tho ;-;
  • Began doing Exec take overs of insta again, and internal socials, and bought some books (riscv, and rust book)
  • 'Borrowed' a couch from EngSoc as a prank, and their Emblem
  • Celcius (energy drink) are like, super popular LOL
  • Started CSC Flash again
  • As of S24, we use Vault Warden for our passwords
  • Mirror upgrade parts have been bought, hopfully I remember to put in when they're installed
  • Started reaching out to Alumni to do Talks about their work and stuff
  • I have heard via the great vine... that the wall may fall..........
  • Started to prepare to buy another round of plushies
  • New Thunderbolt 3/USB-4 docks (we only relised after buying that some of our laptops cant charge/use display at the same time LOL)